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CDC Changes in Position


The CDC recently announced that fully vaccinated persons can stop wearing masks.

Basis is that the Scientific findings are significant:

1) Few vaccinated will become infected with moderate or severe disease,

2) Transmission is becoming even rarer, as the amount of virus carried by those vaccinated is so small that it can’t be transmitted.

The vaccine series is very powerful. This includes both Pfizer and Moderna which are at 94% efficiency (even one shot is it 82% effective). There have been consistent findings, discovering that few infections occur within these groups. Even the Johnson & Johnson is at 72% efficiency, although it has less evidence.

Per CDC - “Science is quite clear on this and includes that it is highly unlikely to catch or transmit. But prefaces this by indicating the risk is not zero”

What about variance? Perhaps more cautious? Not deemed necessary. The CDC believes all vaccines prevent moderate to severe illness, hospitalizations and death with all data on US and foreign variants.

Still at higher risk are unvaccinated adults and children, or those with serious medical conditions, especially immunosuppression. No longer needing mask is somewhat of a reward to the fully vaccinated; hopefully will encourage more conversions to fully become vaccinated.

CDC still requires all vaccinated HCP to wear masks even with patients who are vaccinated.

States can still mandate masks. Unvaccinated individuals should continue with masks and spacing, as should those with weak immune systems.

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